The 46th World Chemistry Congress of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC-2017), will be held in São Paulo on July 9-14, 2017.
With the theme, “Sustainability & Diversity Through Chemistry”, this wonderful and historic event will link all fields of Chemistry. The scientific program has been carefully prepared by the Organizing and Scientific Committees, providing a major coverage of the main areas of interest for chemists. The scientific program includes high-level scientific sessions, plenary lectures, parallel sessions, as well as poster presentations and young scientists’ workshops under 12 major topics, including over 100 symposia. The twelve major topics are: Analytical & Food Chemistry (AC), Chemistry Education (CE), Chemistry for Industry Innovation (CI), Chemical Synthesis (CS), Energy, Water and Environmental Sciences (EE), Green Chemistry and Biotechnology (GB), Inorganic and Structural Chemistry (IC), Macromolecules and Materials (MM), Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology (MB), Nano Science and Technology (NT), Natural Products and Biodiversity (NB), and Physical, Biophysical and Computational Chemistry (PC).
Abstract submission is open until Feb 3rd. For more info visit the website.